Tips To Capture Amazing Photos During a Helicopter Ride

Tips To Capture Amazing Photos During a Helicopter Ride



Helicopter rides offer a unique perspective for capturing stunning aerial photographs, and with the right approach, you can make the most of this extraordinary opportunity. However, the helicopter price Dubai can be quite high, so ensuring you get the best possible shots is vital. To make the most of your aerial adventure and capture breathtaking images, follow these practical tips.

Choose the high-quality camera:

While smartphones can take great photos, a high-quality camera with a zoom lens or a DSLR will provide superior results. If you’re using a smartphone, ensure it has a high-resolution camera. Consider bringing a lightweight, compact camera with optical zoom capabilities for better image quality and flexibility. A lens with a focal length between 24mm and 70mm is generally ideal for aerial photography.

Use a polarizing filter:

A polarizing filter can improve your photos by reducing glare from the helicopter’s windows and improving the contrast in the sky. This filter helps to capture clearer images of the land by minimizing reflections and making colors more vibrant. If you’re using a DSLR, a polarizing filter is a worthwhile addition to your gear.

Adjust camera settings:

To achieve the best results, manually adjust your camera settings. Set a fast shutter speed to reduce motion blur caused by the helicopter’s movement. An aperture of f/8 or higher will keep more of the scene in focus. Use a lower ISO setting to reduce noise and improve image clarity. If your camera has a burst mode, use it to capture multiple shots quickly, increasing your chances of getting the perfect shot.

Consider the time of day:

Lighting conditions significantly impact the quality of your photos. Early morning or late afternoon provides the best natural light, known as the golden hour, which adds warmth and depth to your images. Midday light can be harsh and create strong shadows, so plan your flight for the optimal time of day to capture the best photos.

Position yourself strategically:

The positioning of your seat can affect your shots. Choose a window seat if possible, and ensure you have a clear view of the land you wish to photograph. Avoid sitting directly behind the pilot, as this may limit your visibility. If you’re on a private charter, communicate with the pilot to position the helicopter for the best photographic angles.